Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Starting feeds

Jensen had such a good day yesterday that he was able to start feeding! He is now officially getting breastmilk at 1cc/hr through his NG tube! Yay! Hopefully his belly tolerates it well and this primes his stomach for bigger feeds later on. We are excited to hear how he did overnight so Dr.Fuller can make a decision about weaning from ECMO. Also the EEG should come off today! Last we heard the small clot in his leg and tiny bleed in his brain have made no changes. They will continue to monitor them with ultrasounds to be sure. Baby steps in the right direction!

Our boy is doing well and I know its because of all the prayers for him. Thank you everyone for praying for him (and for Jeremy and I)! We are so thankful and feel so loved =)


  1. He is doing soooo great!! I have been cheering him on like crazy over here:) We will continue to pray and we have lots of friends/family praying for him as well!

  2. I have never met your family but I saw my friend Andrea Quirk post about Jensen on facebook. I have been praying for him and keeping up with his status. I lost my twin girls in August. They were conjoined and shared a heart. It makes me so happy to see other babies fight and survive. I will keep on praying for him and asking my daughters Saint Addy and Saint Ally to pray for him as well. I know he will have a full life ahead of him!! :)
