Monday, June 18, 2012

Whirlwind of a day!

I didn't do a very good job keeping everyone updated, sorry! Today was so busy, we barely had time to do anything! Before I had time to post the 12:00 update, they were bringing Jensen back up from the procedure! Everything happened very quickly.

Jensen did wonderfully during the cath =) We couldn't be happier about how everything went. Dr. Glatz was his cath doc and went over all the catheterization images with us. Jensen did have a mild amount of narrowing around where his neoaorta and native aorta meet, which is to be expected. He also had some narrowing in his right pulmonary artery around where the old BT shunt is. During the Glenn, Dr. Fuller will be working with his RPA to connect it to the superior vena cava. While she is in that area, she is going to go ahead and reconstruct his RPA. They do this in a similar manner to the way they reconstructed his aorta: using a homograft to patch it after they flay the artery open. They did say something about his left pulmonary artery and for the life of me...I can't remember what it was. (Sleep deprivation much?!) More to follow on that.

During the cath, Jensen did not need to be intubated, which was such a relief for us! He has been a verrrry sleepy bear today. Apparently he is very sensitive to the meds they gave him, he's still pretty knocked out. 

We got a chance to talk to Dr. Fuller and Dr. Licht (we've missed them so much!) about scheduling. And the verdict is....Glenn on Thursday!!!
We are so relieved that we can get this over with in one trip. Dr. Licht came by to ask about doing his neuro workup. We are going to meet with him on Wednesday for an EEG and a neuro exam. He is working with the anesthesia team to schedule Jensen's follow-up MRI on the day of his surgery. Wednesday Jensen will also have another pre-admission visit for the surgery. At this appointment we will get his surgery time.

It is so good to be back at CHOP. We feel like we are home here! Jeremy and I felt our stress levels drop by half when we saw Dr. Fuller. Maybe its because I was an nervous wreck about the cath, but when I see her, I just want to cry! She is the person who saved our baby's life. She hand-crafted his heart and gave him a chance. We seriously love that woman =)

Tomorrow will be all about getting Jensen back on a regular schedule and eating like he should be (he's been so sleepy today he hasn't eaten much). Wednesday will be a busy day of appts and Thursday is surgery day. I can't believe its finally here!

I have some pics from today that I will upload later. The internet at the hotel is too slow to upload them...I'll try again later!

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