Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Here we go again...

And we are off to Philly tomorrow! Wowzers that was fast. So fast I haven't had a chance to update the world about it! We had been waiting to hear back from Dr. Rychik at CHOP to see what he thought about Jensen's latest echo. We got a call on Wednesday last week from Dr. Rychik saying he thought Jensen needed a cath with Dr. Rome in the next few weeks. (Dr. Rome did Jensen's last cath and we love him!) Of course this was pretty much what we were expecting but it makes this mama's heart start to panic hearing those words. 
Then we were waiting on a call from CHOP's scheduling center to choose a date for the procedure. We heard from them late on Friday afternoon, which was so unexpectedly fast! Our scheduled cath date is Jan 31...one week from the call! Of course, we had to immediately start making phone calls and getting paperwork together. Thank goodness that we have done this before and somewhat know the process! 
Sweetest face in the world <3

Most of our arrangements couldn't be made until Monday because apparently people don't like to stay in the office past 5 pm on a Friday to accommodate my needs?! haha! Although this week has been insanely stressful and busy, everything has neatly fallen into place and we are ready to go!

Jensen and his new Snuggle Bunny
The only variable in this whole perfectly planned trip is the weather. Of course it has started to snow here in NC and the whole state may very well shut down at first sight of a flurry. Please pray that our flight leaves on time tomorrow and we have a smooth travel day!
He's our tough guy
Thursday Jensen will be seeing Dr. Licht for an exam and an EEG. We will also be discussing plans for the Fontan, which Jeremy and I have only been thinking about since the Glenn. (Poor Dr. Licht is going to be in for a surprise when he sees our list of questions!!)

He's all ready for the plane ride with his headphones on!
After that, we will be on our merry way to pre-op. Obviously I'm being completely sarcastic and I dread pre-op labs as much as the cath itself. The blood draw is always so traumatic and scary for Jensen, plus he will likely need an echo and x-ray. Here's to hoping he cooperates.

This was after a recent blood draw :(
The cath will be on Friday, we won't know what time until Thursday so I will keep everyone updated. Speaking of updates, I started a group on Facebook called Willis Family Heart (just like our blog so it is easy to remember!). This is an easier way for me to give quick updates and post pictures when I don't have a long blog's worth of info to share. We will still be doing detailed blogs,especially with the Fontan coming up and the links will be on my personal FB and the FB group. 

Ready for cold Philly weather
Please keep us in your prayers as we travel and as Jensen goes through all of these procedures.

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