Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Busy bees!

My goodness we have been so busy! Jensen is growing like a weed, he now weighs 9.9 lbs. He is finally starting to look chunky! He has been doing fantastic on his bottle feeds, he takes almost an ounce in less than 5 minutes (he is allowed up to 20 minutes). Jensen has also been showing signs of hunger before every feeding time, this is great progress. We spoke with a dietician from CHOP and she recommended increasing the volume he gets at every bolus feed. He is definitely on the right track =)

Jensen has been weaned down on his hydrocortisone. He only has to take it for about another week and he will be completely off steroids! This means we only give him meds 2x daily instead of 5x daily. That makes our schedule much easier. We are still waiting on a referral to an endocrinologist so he can check Jensen's blood work after the steroid wean is complete.

Other than that, Jeremy and I have been getting a lot of things done. We have already started getting follow-up phone calls for several of the research studies we participated in. We have a full developmental evaluation scheduled. Jensen has a neuro and cardio appt coming up. We are starting to get the hang of this parenting thing...I think! Jensen finally slept in his crib all night last night! yay! He has been doing lots of tummy time, neck stretches, and loves taking walks in his stroller. We have been sensory stimulating the heck out of this baby with our black and white flashcards! He is probably sick of his mommy and daddy in his face every time he is awake... oh well, he better get used to it =)

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear all the great news! Go Jensen!!
    The Wrights
