Friday, February 22, 2013

First Birthday!!

I can't believe today is Jensen's first birthday! Instead of a lengthy post describing how much I love my kid and how amazing he is, I've decided to write him a letter to share with you all. From the bottom of our hearts, Jeremy and I are so thankful for every one of you. This year has shown us the power of friends and family, their prayers and support. We couldn't have done it without you. Now, I'm going to go cry about my baby turning one while you all read and share this post!

My sweetest tootie butt,

Yes, we call you tootie butt, stinky toes, monkey, and a million other embarrassing names I will share with your first girlfriend. I’m looking at you with your sweet little feet sprawled out and your mouth wide open as you sleep. You are probably dreaming of patty cake and playing with Daddy...some of your favorite things. You started army crawling about a month ago and I swear you only get faster every day! You drink milk from a sippy cup like a mad man. You are a little crazy about how much you love yogurt. You started fake laughing and it makes your daddy and I crack up! Your laugh is so contagious. Today you turn one. 
This time last year I had no idea how much you would teach us. I never knew so much love until I touched that little foot before you were whisked away. I was terrified for you and in awe of you at the same time. You looked exactly like your daddy when you were born and came out with a rockin’ mow hawk. We should have known then how much hell you would raise! As terrified as we were about your heart and all you would go through, you still amazed us. You taught us that half of a heart means nothing. You have more heart and more love than anyone I’ve ever known. 
Jensen Aaron, we named you after a fighter. You have lived up to that name and he would be so proud of you. You fought to live harder than any person should, especially at only a few days old. Your dad and I would have taken your place instantly. I hated to see you struggle, I hated to see you in pain. Despite it all, you showed us your determined little personality and made one incredible recovery.
This year has been rocky and this year has been tough. This year has also been the best of my life. You make us smile. You light up the room. Your snuggles are the best. You give sweet, slobbery kisses. I just can not get enough of you. I will always cherish our time together because I thought I would lose you. I didn’t think I would get to celebrate your first birthday. So today, we are celebrating not just one year of surviving, but one year of living your life to the absolute fullest. 
Nothing holds you back and you do exactly what you want to. I hope this holds true for your future. I hope you continue to do things your way, which is always a little different than expected. I hope you always have that fighter’s spirit. I hope you love someone as much as I love you.
Today I want to wish you a very happy birthday. You have made me the luckiest mom in the world. I can’t wait to party hard with our family and friends and celebrate the bravest boy we know! 

Happy Birthday, my love. 
